These images might suggest this post looks as if it’s still March, but this is in the middle of May. The temperature on the previous few days was nearly 30 degrees! A path of mud shows how dry and hot it had been.

So the following week saw some intrepid walkers, well wrapped up against the rain and deep mud, I joined a team of scientists who were walking out to the breach (the opening of Steart wetland area to the open sea at Bridgwater Bay).

They were setting up monitoring posts to gauge the movement of the sediment during the re-alignment of the two levels – land and sea - using GPS recording.

Walking as far as the breach, we could see the marvellous waterfall created by the difference between the two levels. This will gradually disappear as the two levels equalise so it was very special to see it on this adventurous walk. Don’t go any further Clem!

Close up pics of mud, glorious mud….

I collected a handful of mud to bring home to think about ways in which I could use it in my studio experiments so watch out for further posts and expect to see a lot of muddy marks..