Monday, 3 March 2014

Reflections in Grimsby Minster

A study visit to Grimsby to see the spaces for the next exhibition venture with the 62 Group of Textile Artist - my next creative venture.



Perhaps my next task is to start drawing fish?


  1. What a lot to think about! I can give you a lesson in net making!

  2. Lots of inspiration there Sian! I look forward to seeing what comes out of it.

  3. Your pictures in the Minster are intriguing -the way the reflections from the stained glass float in the air like delicate hangings.

  4. You love shells????? I have finally managed to have a look at Distant Stitch and am looking at the sketchbook course. Be honest and let me know the advantages/disadvantages of distant learning. I have done a few short courses now online but two years is a long time. I have contacted Val separately.
