Thursday, 25 April 2013

Adding some movement

Scribbled notes on a train journey. I feel the need to make my stitched strips ‘move’ and swirl’ rather than just hang. Drawing 3d solutions on a 2d surface is a challenge to your thinking but helps to start those contemplation moments where ideas can rise to the surface and crystallise.


Wrapping a trial strip around a plastic tube to steam set ‘shibori-style’, transformed the band into a narrow, rippling, twisting form.




It was interesting to see the different forms that this writhing strip can make.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Taking off

Pin board thinking!


Yet again, collating things on my studio wall has helped me notice a connection between a couple of drawings of my ‘umbrella’ project and my current focus on the sweeping, swooping flow of the murmuration of birds over the Somerset wetlands. These two projects might have seemed unconnected and perhaps a bit of ‘latent thinking’ has helped to form a relationship between the two stories. So new sketchbook pages can now be rotated to vertical alignment for my next stage of thinking – nearly taking off.

sunset1   Sunset2   

sunset3   sunset4

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Draw up a chair and …..

take a look – work by members of Stitch Textile Artists a masterclass of textile artists who meet at Ammerdown Centre three times a year and who I have the privilege of tutoring.