Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Making my own painting materials


It seemed a good idea to continue drawing from my chosen landscape by using parts of the landscape as my medium. A really great idea from Debbie Lyddon to make a proper paint from the mud seemed an intriguing idea and superior to the rather rough method I used earlier of rubbing the wet mud directly onto the paper or fabrics.

I started off by grinding some dried mud into a fine powder using a smooth pebble.

P1060040 P1060042

Then adding two ingredients to make a solid paint block – a teaspoon of honey and of gum arabic mixing together to make a stiff gunge which set to a solid block.


Below: marks made with mud paint using feather paint brush with added black wire.


Below: as above but also with twiggy on the rightwith added black wire.


Below: stumpy, twiggy and added wire plus paper fragments


Below: wax, oil crayon, feather paint brush and spikey twig.


Below: scratched paper surface with mud wash and black wire.


Below: scratched paper surface with mud wash.


Below: wax, oil crayon, feather paint brush and spikey twig.
